Just finished picking some wild Muscadine in Northwest Arkansas. It is a little late (Sept. 28). Some of the fruit had already fallen, but the vast majority was ripe and ready to pick. Strangely, there were some green berries still on the vines. It seems that Muscadine's came out late this year. Went for a walk in the woods today and picked a five gallon bucket full of dark purple sweet beauties. The hard thing is that Muscadine's seem to mature in waves. It generally takes several pickings to get them all. If you can keep the deer from getting them. Good luck and happy muscadine hunting.
i started picking and eating july 9 2012 so mid july for a few
muscadines commonly called bullet grapes....
Muscadines are purple, Scupadines are white (or green if you want to be literal) Scupadines are also sweet. Muscadines are more sour.
ABSOLUTLY very bad for a dog especially a puppy.
almonds ripen at the end of summer.
The warmer it is , the faster they ripen
No, they need to ripen on the vine.
it uses energy from the sun to grow and ripen
they will probably rot before they ripen
Pears ripen pretty quickly, but if you put in a bag with a banana or an apple the gases from these fruits will make the pear ripen quicker.
The plantains had ripen quickly.