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Monday 1st of September, K anwari

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Q: When did the fast of Ramadan 2008 start in Melbourne?
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Related questions

How many hours of fasting in Ramadan 2008?

You fast for a whole month which is 312 hours. It is something around there.

What is the difference between Ramadan and Christmas have in common?

The diference between ramadan and christmas is that christmas is a christians holiday. In the other hand ramadan is a muslims holiday. In christmas we have party's. Also, it lasts for 12 days. In ramadan Muslims fast and it lasts for a month. They start from sunrise to sunset. In christmas you don't fast.

What is the name of the month during which Muslim fast?

The answer is..... Ramadan

Is Ramadan the mourning festival of Islam?

No. Ramadan is a "happy fast", in that Muslims fast on Ramadan to achieve spiritual purity, not in mourning for a historical failing of their community.

Who is supposed to fast in Ramadan?

All Muslims past the stage of puberty that are adults shud fast in Ramadan......

What are some ceremonies that Muslims do for Ramadan?

fast for 30 days in ramadan.

What is the name of the month that Muslims fast in?

Ramadan is a month of obligatory daily fasting in Islam. It is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar.The month of Ramadan.

How long do people fast in Ramadan in UK?

People fast Ramadan for one full month. 29-30 days.

Can you fast Ramadan while am in a state of inpurity before you bath in the morning?

You can start fasting but you must take bath as soon as you can.

What is the fast for Muslim's called?


What date muslims starts their fast?

Muslims fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan. The Islamic Calender is seperate to the Gregorian calender and is based on moon sightings. The start of Ramadan goes back around 11 days each Gregorian year, so the date according to the Gregorian calender changes. For example, 1st of Ramadan 2012 was 20 July. But the 1st of Ramadan 2011 was 1st August.

IS Ramadan the month of sharing?

no you fast on ramadan..wich means u dont eat..