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While Vermont passed a law in 1982 to protect the creature Champ, New York did the same in 1983. Champ is a creature that has been sighted in Lake Champlain since the 19th century.

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Q: When did Vermont and New york pass laws to protect Champ the so called creature in Lake Champlain?
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Does Vermont have a harbor?

No but they do have a resort called the Basin Harbor Club on Lake Champlain.

What language is Vermont's name derived from?

Vermont is an English form of the name that French explorer Samuel de Champlain gave to Vermont's Green Mountains on his 1647 map. He called them "Verd Mont" meaning green mountain.

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They are called Chaplains.

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What is Vermont's state legislature called?

The Vermont General Assembly.

What are some facts about Vermont?

Vermont is one of only three states to have once existed as an officially recognized independent nation (as Vermont Republic), the others being Texas (Republic of Texas) and Hawaii (Kingdom and Republic of Hawaii).Visitors can cross Lake Champlain to New York via ferry from Vermont at three locations: Charlotte, Burlington and Grand Isle. Ferry-goers might even spot "Champ", Lake Champlain's mythical monster.Vermont is the only one of the New England states that does not border the sea.Three quarters of Vermont is covered with forest, including ash, beech, birch, maple, hickory, oak, pine and spruce trees.Vermont is famous for its family farms, having some 6,900 farms, most of them small.In April 2000, Vermont became the first U.S. state to legally recognize so-called "civil unions" between homosexual partners.Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings, Inc. Ice Creamery was founded in Burlington, Vermont by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in 1978.The Champlain Valley is home to The Vermont Teddy Bear Company, which has been creating stuffed bears since 1983.Vermont elected its first female governor, Swiss-born Madeline Kunin, in 1985.

What country Samuel de Champlain from?

Samuel de Champlain came from town called brouge,France.

Why is Vermont called the green mountain state?

Vermont is shaped like a mountain

What is the green creature in Merlin called?

The name of the green creature in Merlin is called a goblin.

Is there a live dinosaur named champ running around California?

OMIGOODNESS NO! There is a legendary sea creature called Champ (because he lives in lake CHAMPlain) that lives in... well... I just told you. He is probably a plesiosaur- a prehistoric sea dinosaur. He was actually sighted by Samuel de Champlain when he made some sort of quest to somewhere... well anyways, hope that helps.

Who founded the first french settlement quebec?

The first permanent French settlement was made by Samuel de Champlain, 1608 in modern day Quebec. what was it called?

What was Samuel de Champlain's fort called?

Samuel de Champlain built a fort and a store house on a site along the St. Lawrence River called Quebec in 1608.