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Cortes left Spain in 1504 when he was 19 years old. He arrived in Cuba in 1509. In 1519 he sailed to Mexico.

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12y ago

Cortes left Spain to become a colonist in 1504.

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Spain never left for anywhere. It stayed right where it has always been.

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Q: When did Spain leave for Mexico?
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Why did Hernando Cortes leave Cuba?

he left to find wealth in Mexico and claim the land Spain's.

Did Mexico find Spain or did Spain fnd Mexico?

Spanish conquistadors found Mexico in 1519.

Where in Spain did they conquer Mexico?

Spain is in Europe, Mexico is in North America.

When did the Spanish leave Mexico?

I guess you mean when the Mexican war of independence against Spain was won. It was consolidated on September 27, 1821.

Did Spain go into Mexico?

Mexico was a colony of Spain from 1521 until 1821.

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Spain: Madrid Mexico: Mexico City Bolivia: La Paz

Who invaded Mexico?

Spain invaded Mexico.

What country did Mexico use to be a part of?

It was a colony of Spain, but Mexico never was part of Spain's territory.

What did Mexico gain after fighting with Spain for 11 years?

Mexico achieved its political independence from Spain.