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Joshua became the leader at the age of 82 and led the Israelites for 28 years. See also:

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Q: When did Joshua start to lead over israel?
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After the death of Moses who was leader of Israel?


Who is Yehoshua?

Yehoshua, or Joshua in English, took over leadership of the Israelites from Moshe (Moses) and lead them into the land of Israel. Please see the related link for additional information.

Who took moses place when he lead the Isrialites into the promised land?

Its a man called, Joshua. You can read the bible in the book of Exodus to prove my answer.

Who took over leadership of Israel once Moses died?

The leadership of Israel fell on the shoulders of Joshua. At first he was scared wether the Isareal would listen to him now that Moses was dead. But God told Joshua to be brave and courages for I am with you.Joshua chapter1 verse 6.

Who was Moses successor?

Joshua was the next leader and God allowed Joshua to lead theIsraelite's into the land of Promise Joshua Chap 1: 1-3 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

Who was chosen to lead the israelites after moses death?

Moses picked Joshua to lead the people after his death as commanded by the LORD. Deut 3:28 But commission Joshua, and encourage and strengthen him, for he will lead this people across and will cause them to inherit the land that you will see. See also last chapter in Deuteronomy followed by the book of Joshua.

Who lead the people after Moses?

Joshua the son of Hun took over as leader of the Jews after Moses died.

Who led the Israelites across the The Red Sea andThe Jordan River?

According to the Bible, Joshua led the Israelites across the River Jordan.

What did the people of Israel do before crossing the Jordan River?

Before crossing the Jordan River, the people of Israel camped near the river, consecrated themselves, and received instructions from Joshua to follow the Ark of the Covenant carried by the priests to lead them into the Promised Land.

Who led Israelites after Moses died?

Joshua, the son of Nun.

Does moses finish the exodus with the Israelites?

Actually moses does not put his foot in the promised land. It was Joshua who took over from Moses , who lead the people to Canaan.

What virtues led Joshua to lead the people of Israel?

Joshua was a man that allowed God to lead him in order to lead the children of Israel. Joshua had four main characteristics that enabled him to be a victorious leader.1. Humility. Joshua was always willing to serve.2. He put God first in everything. Joshua, Deut. 27-28, stopped a military campaign in order to honor God and God's Word.3. Faith. This is very evident in all of Joshua's life. God gave Joshua many tasks that seemed impossible to do, yet Joshua never doubted, he only believed.4. Prayer. Joshua knew the importance of leading God's chosen people could not be done in his own strength but rather needed God's constant help.Answer:Joshua had been Moses' right-hand man since his youth (Numbers 11:28), and his chief disciple, who was constantly found in the tent of Torah where Moses taught (Exodus 33:11), so as not to ever miss a single word of Moses' teaching. He could be trusted to reach correct decisions (Numbers ch.13-14); and was successful in battle too (Exodus ch.17). As Moses approached the time when he would have to hand over the helm of leadership, Joshua turned out to be the best choice to carry on, and God named him as Moses' successor (Numbers ch.27).Note that the "Deut. 27-28" in the above answer seems mistaken; the answerer probably had a different passage in mind.