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Irish House of Lords ended in 1800.

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Lordship of Ireland ended in 1541.

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Q: When did Irish House of Lords end?
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When was Irish House of Lords created?

Irish House of Lords was created in 1297.

When did Prussian House of Lords end?

Prussian House of Lords ended in 1918.

What are the two house of the british parliament?

The house of lords and the house of commons.There is the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

How many Northern Irish and Welsh Representatives sit in the House of Lords?

24 from Northern Ireland and 24 from Wales.

What are the two main parts of the UK's parliament?

They are (not were, they are still in existence) the House of Commons and the House of Lords

Are there any Irish Lords?

Yes, there are Irish Lords. In Ireland, the title of Lord is often associated with the aristocracy and the peerage. These titles can be inherited or bestowed by the monarch. Some well-known Irish Lords include Lord Henry Mountcharles, the owner of Slane Castle, and Lord Edward FitzGerald, a leader during the 1798 rebellion. However, it is worth noting that the power and influence of the Irish aristocracy have diminished over time.

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the house of commons and the house of lords

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The two branches of the British Parliament are the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

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House of Lords - Lords of the Underground album - was created on 2007-08-21.

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The US does not have a House of Lords

What are The two houses of British Parliament are the?

The house of lords and the house of commons.There is the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

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