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Ethiopia has never been materialistically rich, but it is however a culturally, socially and religiously nation.

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Q: When did Ethiopia become such a poor country?
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Does Ethiopia host refugees?

no ethiopia does not host refugees they are too poor they can barely provide for their own country

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Is Ethiopia poor or rich country?

The country is one of the poorest countries in the world financially but they are rich in resources and history. The country has vast amounts of resources, however Ethiopia has 88 million people so even with all the potential all there it is a very poor country presently and will be for many many years to come.

Is Ethiopia rich or a poor country?

The country is one of the poorest countries in the world financially but they are rich in resources and history. The country has vast amounts of resources, however Ethiopia has 88 million people so even with all the potential all there it is a very poor country presently and will be for many many years to come.

Is Ethiopia today very poor?

no now Ethiopia is midum

Is Ethiopia a developing country?

Ethiopia is a developed country..

What are the causes for the poorness of ethiopia?

give me 5 causes of poor ness in ethiopia

What are some accomplishments of Ethiopia?

they were poor

Which country is bigger France or Ethiopia?

Ethiopia ?

Which country is bigger from Ethiopia and Bangladesh?


Is Ethiopia poor?

Yes,Ethiopia is so poor some people have to run around naked.

What country has the least competitors in the Olympics?

Ethiopia I suppose