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Mississippi seceded from the Union on January 9, 1861.

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On 6 May 1861.

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In May 1861.

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Q: When did Arkansas secede from the union and join the Confederate States of America?
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Was Arkansas the 9th state to secede from the union?

Yes, Arkansas was the ninth state to secede from the United states and join the Confederate States of America. It seceded May 6, 1861. Tennessee also seceded the same day.

Who was the president of the Confederate States of America and give information of what he did?

Jefferson Davis. He unified the southern states into a coalition to secede from the United States of America.

Where did the confederate states secede to?

They didn't "secede to" anything, but to form a new government called the Confederate States.

What did Texas have in common with the other Confederate states?

Texas could and did secede from the Union with the rest of the Confederate states. Texas declared its secession from the United States in 1861 to join the Confederate States of America.

What was the confederaceys reason for war?

They wanted to form their own country. (They wanted to secede from the United States of America and form their own Confederate States of America).

What role did Alabama play in establishing the Confederate States of America?

Alabama was among the first seven states to secede from the Union and was the home of the first Confederate capital which was at Montgomery.

What did the southern states warn would happen if Abraham Lincoln was elected?

They would secede from the United States and form the Confederate States of America.

Did FL secede from the union?

Yes, Florida seceded from the union. Eleven states seceded from the union to create the Confederate States of America. They were Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana and Virginia.

Did the northern or southern states secede from the union?

The Southern states formed The Confederate States of America and wanted to be a separate country. The Civil War prevented that.

Who were the first confederate states to secede from the union?

South Carolina was the first to secede.

What did southern states do when President Lincoln was elected in 1860?

South Carolina seceded from the USA, followed by six others in the following weeks.

What was the rival nation that was formed by several southern states who voted to secede from the Union after Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the US?

The Confederate States of America