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Japan had control of Taiwan from 1895 until the end of World War II. After WW II, in 1949, Taiwan was reverted to Chinese control, and the name was then changed to Taiwan, meaning Big Island.

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Q: What year was Taiwan named Taiwan?
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Why was Taiwan named Formosa?

Formosa is Portuguese for Beautiful Island

Is prostitution legal in Taiwan?

not yet legal in Taiwan,but it will be probably it will be legal in this year

What was the old name was Taiwan?

Formosa. It was named by the Dutch and it means "Beautiful Island".

Is it warm in Taiwan?

Yes Taiwan enjoys warm weather all year round.

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Father's Day in Taiwan is celebrated on August 8 each year.

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The Tropic of Cancer does.

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The year that Taiwan started to export furniture to the US was in the 1990s. Some of the other things that Taiwan exports to the US are apparel, electronics, and books.

What year did formosa become Taiwan?

The first year of Taiwan is 1911, but officially have our own government is on 1951 the San Francisco peace treaty signed

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Taipei, Taiwan's temperature in the month of December is about 55- 64 degrees Celsius. Taiwan enjoys warm weather all year round.

What was Taiwan previously known as?

Formosa, the name given it as a colony of the Netherlands from 1624 to 1662. In 1544, a Portuguese ship sighted the main island of Taiwan and dubbed it "Ilha Formosa", which means "Beautiful Island." It was occupied only by indigenous aborigines. In 1624, the Dutch established a commercial base on Taiwan.

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