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The treaty went into effect in 1961. The original 12 signators signed on 1 December 1959.

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Q: What year did many countries sign the Antarctic Treaty?
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Did America sign the Antarctic Treaty?


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Which country governs Antarctica?

No one country governs Antarctica.In 1961 the Antarctica Treaty was signed. It says countries that sign it must:1. protect it as a place of peace2. Lay aside all claims to own AntarcticaToday almost 50 countries have signed the Antarctic treaty.

Which country was the first to sign the Antarctic Treaty?

On December 1, 1959, representatives of twelve nations sat down together and signed the Antarctic Treaty in multiple languages. The languages are English, French, Russian and Spanish. There is no indication that any one of these countries was 'first'. All twelve nations are considered 'original signatories'.

When did America sign the Antarctic Treaty?

On August 18, 1960.The treaty came into full force and effect on June 23, 1961 after 12 nations governments had signed the treaty.

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The nuclear non proliferation treaty was signed by 189 countries and only Pakistan, Israel and India did not sign it

Which of these countries was not among the first to sign the north alanic treaty?


What Treaty banning nuclear weapons?

i believe it was the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. No treaty bans nuclear weapons. The nonproliferation treaty simply tries to limit them to countries that already have them. But countries that don't sign can still try to make them.

What were the Arab countries to sign a treaty with Israel?

Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

What related events go with the Treaty of Ghent?

there are many thing that are related to the treaty of ghent. the main ones are: the british sign treaty the Americans sign treaty treaty gets send to America

What countries did Israel sign peace treaty with in 1979 and 1994?

Israel signed a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979 and with Jordan in 1994.

Which two countries did not sign a treaty together during war?

United States and Germany