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Q: What year did early voting begin in Ohio?
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When did elections start?

Election fraud started as early as when voting started. Voting Fraud is voting for someone or messing with the machines to swing towards a certain party. Each year we see a increase in voting fraud.

When did election fraud start?

Election fraud started as early as when voting started. Voting Fraud is voting for someone or messing with the machines to swing towards a certain party. Each year we see a increase in voting fraud.

What year did the british take over Ohio valley?

The British took over the Ohio Valley region in the early 1758s

After what event did early muslims finally begin to write down the koran?

Inn the year 610 the early Muslims begin to write down the Koran. This was back in history.

What year did the baby boom generation begin and end?

Between 1946 and early 1960s

In what year did work begin on the Washington Monument?

Excavation for the foundation of the Monument began in early 1848

The Roman House of Representatives was one of the two houses of the early Roman republic?

The Roman republic had no House of Representatives. It did not have two houses. The republic was governed by the Senate and the Roman People. (SPQR). The senate met either in their own senate house or in some temple to discuss and debate issues. The laws themselves were passed by the voting assemblies which were made up of the citizens. The citizen voting assemblies also elected the officials and the consuls.

What is the time difference between Ohio and Barbados?

The time difference between Ohio (Eastern Time Zone) and Barbados (Atlantic Standard Time) is 1 hour. Ohio is ahead of Barbados.

What year did Jim crow laws begin and end?

It started in 1876 and ended in 1965 due to The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and The Voting Rights act in 1965.

What year did Christian rock begin?

Believe it or not, it actually started in the '60s, but it really started to get noticed in the early '90s.

What year was the voting age lowered?

It was lowered in the year 1971