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Q: What year did Spain leave Puerto Rico?
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What year did spain invade Puerto Rico?

Spain didn't invade Puerto Rico, it colonized them. The colonization started with Juan Ponce de Leon in 1508. But if your question is who invaded Puerto Rico it would be Great Britain, Holland, France, but none of these managed to maintain control of the Island. The only nation that was succesful in taking Puerto Rico from the Spanish for good was the United States in the year 1898.

Can a pregnant 19 year old be emancipated in Puerto Rico?

After 18 you can get emancipated in Puerto Rico.

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In what year was the junior high school education established in Puerto Rico?

What year did United States acquire Puerto Rico?

The United States acquired Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish-American War as part of the Treaty of Paris.

What Year Did Puerto Rico Get Its Independence?

Puerto Rico is NOT independent. It's a bit complicated but here it goes: Puerto Rico was "discovered" and colonized by Spain in 1493. Spain governed Puerto Rico for well over 300 years when a group of Puertorricans fought for its independence from Spain in 1868 but Spain did not recognized Puerto Rico's autonomy until 1897. After recognizing Puerto Rico's autonomy, Spain also gave Puerto Rico to the United States as a result of them loosing the Spanish-American War; this under the Treaty of Paris. (If it were a property, you might say that the island was "sold" to two different owners at the same time.) At the time the US did not recognize Puerto Rico's autonomy and in some way Puertorricans though that this was probably a step towards independence or statehood. Yet here we are, more than 100 years later in 2010 and Puerto Rico is still owned by the US. Now it is called the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.They currently receive all the benefits of Statehood without having to pay taxes to the country. Pretty sweet deal. Becoming a state would entail their willingness to contribute to the income base of the United States. This is something that should have been done decades ago.They became independent of Spain in 1898 and are now a US Territory.

Who were the most influential people in Puerto Rico in the year 1493?

In the year 1943 Puerto Rico was discovered. In other words, the only influential man in Puerto Rico that we know of is Christopher Columbus, that is if we exclude the natives for which we have no record.

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What year did Puerto Rico had the mudslide?

in 2002

What year was Puerto Rico made a state?

Puerto Rico is a US Territory and has not achieved statehood.

What year was Puerto Rico found?

Puerto Rico was founded in 1493, which was Ponce De Leon's second voyage.puerto rico was founded by Christopher Columbus in 1493.

In what year was Puerto Rico ceded to the US?

In 1898.

What year did the US gain Puerto Rico?

in 1917