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Q: What year did Germany surrender?
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What year does Germany surrender?


What year did Germany surrender in the battle at Stalingrad?

Feb. 2, 1943

What was one of the terms of the armistice that ended war world 1?

Germany must surrender its submarines and weapons

What result did the Allied leaders at the Casablanca Conference want ?

The unconditional surrender of Germany

Where in France did Germany surrender unconditionally?

Versailles unconditional surrender was signed at rheims germany- rheims is correct

When did Germany surrender on d-day?

Germany did not surrender on D-Day, they fought until they were killed or pushed back

What did Germany agree to do to end the allied attack?

all of the above

What was the Germany required to surrender in the armistice?

They surrendered their U-boats Germany was to surrender to neutral or Allied ports 10 battleships.

What did Allied leaders accomplish during the Potsdam conference?

They decided how to treat Germany after its surrender.

What caused Germany's surrender?

Germany had to surrender because the allies were all in Germany their economy was basically destroyed and the Russians were in Berlin and Hitler had committed suicide so they had no leader

What year did Germany surrender and Japan surrendered?

Japan surrendered September 2,1945 Germany surrendered may 7, 1945 japan surrendered September 2,1945 Germany surrendered may 7, 1945

In what year did denmark and Norway fall to Germany?

Germany invaded Norway and Germany on April 9th 1940 and stayed there until they're surrender on May 5th in Denmark and May 8th in Norway, 1945.