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If the Tasmanian Devil were to become extinct, Australia would lose the largest of its native carnivorous marsupials. Tasmanian devils play a part in the environment by keeping it clean. They are effective scavengers of carrion (dead animals and roadkill). This limits the prevalence of flies and the possibility of diseases resulting from decaying flesh of other animals. Without Tasmanian devils, carrion would litter the sides of the roads in Tasmania, while Australia would lose a beautiful and unique creature.

Extinction of Tasmanian devils would cause considerable disruption to the food chain. Tasmanian devils are at the top of the food chain. With the exception of the carnivorous quoll, which is quite a small marsupial, and Birds of Prey, there would be no predators of smaller mammals. The population of these herbivorous marsupials would increase dramatically, resulting in increased competition for food among them. In addition, the fox, which has only been introduced recently to Tasmania, would proliferate, as it would be the largest terrestrial wild carnivore on the island.

In addition, scientists have observed that a reduction in the numbers of one carnivorous species can result in the extinction of other carnivorous species.

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11y ago
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13y ago

There is no way to predict when or if Tasmanian devils will ever become extinct.

Scientists are making progress in the search for a cure to the fatal Devil Facial Tumour Disease, and there are safe captive breeding programmes which are protecting non-infected adults.

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11y ago

Tasmanian devils play an important part in their niche. They are effective scavengers of dead animals and roadside kill, thus helping to keep the environment clean. They also occupy the niche of being the only native mammal predator of their size in Tasmania, so they contribute to the balance in the environment.

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10y ago

If the Tasmanian devil died out, the introduced fox would be able to take greater hold in Tasmania. Foxes breed faster than Tasmanian devils, and they do not feed on carrion as actively as Tasmanian devils do, so this would pose a major threat to the unique native wildlife still remaining in Tasmania. To lose the Tasmanian devil entirely would result in a major ecological disaster in that state.

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13y ago

Extinction of Tasmanian devils would cause considerable disruption to the food chain.

Tasmanian devils are at the top of the food chain. With the exception of the carnivorous quoll, which is quite a small marsupial, and birds of prey, there would be no predators of smaller mammals. The population of these herbivorous marsupials would increase dramatically, resulting in increased competition for food among them. In addition, the fox, which has only been introduced recently to Tasmania, would proliferate, as it would be the largest terrestrial wild carnivore on the island.

Another consideration is that scientists have observed that a reduction in the numbers of one carnivorous species can result in the extinction of other carnivorous species.

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