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A veterinarian could be hired to support scientific experiments or gather data on breeding sea birds or seals, or inform scientific work with whales and other fish from the Southern Ocean.

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Q: What would a veterinarian look after in antarctica?
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What kind of animals does an avian veterinarian look after?

An avian veterinarian takes care of birds.

What modern houses look like in Antarctica?

There are no houses in Antarctica.

Why should you look after antarctica?

There are various reasons that we should try and look after Antarctica. For example, if the ice sheet that covers 98% of Antarctica melts a lot then the sea level will rise.

Whats another name for animal doctor?

A doctor that treats animals is called a veterinarian.

What would a veterinarian look for in an employee?

Veterinarians look for many of the same non-specific skills as other employers: reliability, work ethic, dependability, integrity, time management, communications, personal hygiene/professional appearance, etc. The job specific skills can generally be learned on the job, although a veterinarian looking to hire another veterinarian or a veterinary technician would also require evidence of training (diploma, certification, license, etc.).

What do scientists look for in Antarctica?

Scientists working in Antarctica study the health of planet earth.

Can you work as a veterinarian with a misdomeaner on your record?

Yes, a misdemeanor would not keep you from working as a veterinarian.

Who can i interview to learn more about becoming veterinarian?

The best option would be to talk to your veterinarian.

What GED do you need to be a vet?

Vet as in veteran or as in veterinarian? To be a veterinarian would require a university degree, and that would be in veterinary science.

Why would a hedgehog be in Antarctica?

There would never be a hedgehog that naturally lives in Antarctica. It would not be able to survive.