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not much since you can get one off the internet

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Q: What would a map of Vietnam be worth?
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What was the pink area on the Vietnam map during the war?

north vietnam

Technology in Vietnam vs Iraq?

Generally computers (GPS) and safety first (Iraq) verses reading a map and mission first (Vietnam). The list would be long for either.

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Draw a map of Asia including chine japan Korea and Vietnam?

I do not think that I would draw those, but do not know if they are part of it or not.....

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I think it is Vietnam

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Ddi north Vietnam and south Vietnam ever reunite?

yes, that is why "Vietnam" exists, check out a map sometime, they're actually useful.

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Where is Vietnam on the map?

Asia. Near the ocean. It has the shape of "S"

How is the Vietnam war and Korean war different?

one took place in korea and one in Vietnam. look at a map. Also, there was Viet Kong in vietnam, not in korea

How much is a 20 thousand dollar from Vietnam worth in us?

How much is a 20 thousand dollllar bill from Vietnam worth in USAUSA

What is a longer distance forth worth to Los Angeles or forth worth to new york?

it is forth worth to newyork but i would check a map to be sure <("<) from a 6th grader