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I will faithfully execute the Branch of Legislation by Upholding, Defending, and Protecting the Constitution of the United States. so help me Adonai.

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Q: What will you do as Montana Senator?
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Who is Montana's senator?

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Max baucus senator from Montana up for re-election?

In 2014

Who is the chair of the senate finance committee?

Senator Max Baucus {D} of Montana.

When was John Douglas Kennedy a Montana State Senator?

1927-1929 serving Granite County

Who is the longest serving majority leader in the US senate?

The late Senator Mike Mansfield of Montana.

Why did Senator Burton Wheeler on Montana call the lend lease bill of 1941 the foreign AAA?


Who are the US Senators from Montana?

The US Senators for Montana are:For the 6-year term beginning January 2013:Jon Tester (R) senior senatorFor the 6-year term beginning January 2015:Steve Daines (R) junior senator* senior senator Max Baucus resigned 2014 to become US Ambassador to China*for updated information, see the US Senate link below

What was the senate vote in regards to entering World War 2?

It was 99 percent yes. Montana Senator did not vote yes. It was an overnight sensation as most of the Senators were isolationists.

What is Montana Senator John Tester's stance on the federal Defense Of Marriage Act?

Mr. Tester believes that DOMA is unconstitutional and filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court on March 1, 2013, asking them to strike down Section 3 of DOMA. Senator Tester says he opposes an amendment to the U.S. Constitution banning same-sex marriage, but he favored a state-wide ban that passed in Montana in 2004.

How long do senator terms last in Montana?

The Montana State Legislature is composed of the Montana House of Representatives and the Montana Senate. Members are limited to serving no more than eight consecutive years in either chamber. There is no lifetime term limit.

Who was roy brown?

There are numerous famous people with the name of Roy Brown. One such was a Montana state Senator. Another Roy Brown was a blues and R&B musician who died in 1981.

Which is higher a senator or a congressman?
