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Q: What wildlife is along the river Volga?
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Is there any wildlife in the river volga?

Beluga Sturgeon

What capital lies along volga river?


What are the people like that live along the Volga river?


Is volga river the biggest in Europe?

The Volga River is the longest river in Europe, about 2,300 miles

Are there any man made things along the river volga?


How does the volga river help manufacture?

Eleven of Russia's biggest cities are along the Volga so the river can be used for shipping goods. The river also helps create hydroelectric power for factories.

What river is the Volga River in?

The continent the river Volga is Europe

What is the nickname for The Volga River?

The Volga River is sometimes called Mother Volga.

What Russian river flows into Caspian Sea that starts with letter V?

The Volga. A major waterway.

What is a Volga river?

The Volga river is the longest river in europe!!🌊

What river in Russia is known as Mother Volga?

The Volga River, referred to as Volga-Matushka

What is the longest river in the continent of europe?

The Volga River.