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For example, the people caught seals not only for their meat but also or their, skins, which were made into clothes, and tents. Oil made from seal blubber, or fat, was used to light and heat houses. People chewed on seal blubber to prevent hunger.... :) Hope this helped! :D

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Q: What were three ways in which the arctic people used seals?
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What were three ways in which arctic people use seals?

For example, the people caught seals not only for their meat but also or their, skins, which were made into clothes, and tents. Oil made from seal blubber, or fat, was used to light and heat houses. People chewed on seal blubber to prevent hunger.... :) Hope this helped! :D

What is the importance of the seals?

seals were used for trading

What are the seals on the water pumps used for?

The seals are mainly used for avoiding leakage.

Why do people live in the arctic region?

If you are used to the cold and don't like warmth, the Arctic is the best place to live.Thats how some people survive in the Arctic.But if you're afraid of being eaten by the Arctic creatures there, you better not live there!

Do Arctic fish have anti-freeze in their blood?

Yes, Arctic fish have antifreeze proteins in their blood that allow them to survive in extremely cold temperatures by lowering the freezing point of their body fluids. These proteins prevent ice crystals from forming and damaging the fish's cells, enabling them to thrive in icy waters.

What are Harp seals' fur used for?

The Harp seals use it for insulation from the cold.

What were Indus valley seals for?

Some seals were used as name tags, and guards at city gates would not let people in unless they had one. Other Harappan seals were used to stamp the word 'namana' (greetings) on lettterhead. Another sort of stamp seal was used in freightyards and warehouses to stamp addresses on cargo, these seals had names of towns, rivers and countries on them. Visit 'Indus Script Dictionary' on Facebook to see many photos of Harappan seals.

What is harpooning?

Harpooning is a hunting technique in which a long spear-like weapon called a harpoon is thrown or thrust at a target, such as a large fish or whale, to impale and capture it. Harpooning is commonly used in traditional hunting practices or by fishermen to catch marine animals for food or other purposes.

What were the indus valley seals used for?

They are used for trade . They are made of terra cotta and have writting and an animal on them . Most seals may have been used to close jars filled with a trade good such as oil. Other seals may contain the text of important myths.

What type of technology is used in arctic?

Ice-breaking ships are used in the Arctic using wedges, a type of simple machine.

What is the importance of the Seal?

seals were used for trading

Who used seals of the Indus River?

the seals of the indus river were used for quite a number of different thing. Food, skin for clothes, fishing and oil.