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Q: What were the three unique qualities about New York that would families from Europe to live there?
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What are three unique qualities about new york colony that would draw families from Europe to live there?

they were very helpful and you suck!

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Three unique qualities of colonial New Jersey are its rich soil, which was good for farming, religious freedom, and its ideal location on the coast.

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the Delaware bay had a lot of whales. whales were used for almost everything in colonial life

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fatima cuadra waz h3r3 at stimson. D:

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three unique qualities of Georgia is that it is a sunny produces a lot of products.lastly but not least it was one of the lst of the last of the thirteen colonies to be established.

What were three unique qualities of the New York colony?

They were very......

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What are the 3 unique qualities about Virginia?

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The three main language families of Europe are Indo-European, Finno-Ugric, and Basque. Indo-European languages are spoken throughout most of Europe, including English, Spanish, French, German, and Russian. Finno-Ugric languages are spoken mainly in Finland, Estonia, and parts of Hungary. Basque is spoken in the Basque Country region of Spain and France.