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What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct democracy?

• Purest form of democracy rather than having someone interpreting your views.

• May influence more people to get involved in politics.

• Prevents cynicism about govt.

• However, it is impractical.

• Minorities would have no say.

• Potential to leave decision-making in hands of those least equipped to do so.

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It had its ups and downs. As long as it had strong guidance from first-citizen Pericles, and the large income mulcted from its empire to squander, the popular assembly worked well, with everyone getting a share of the cake.

When Pericles over-reached himself and led the city into war with the Peloponnesian League, things began to go awry. After Pericles died of the plague, opportunists took over and led the people astray, into wild adventures and misjudgements which lost them the war, half their population, and lost them the empire which financed the democratic excesses.

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11y ago

Instead of electing representatives to make decisions on their behalf, the citizens of ancient Athens voted on all public issues themselves.

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