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Zeus and Maia only had a one time affair and had only one child. Hermes, god of messengers and thieves.

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Q: What were the names of the children of Zeus and Maia?
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What are the names of Hermes' siblings?

He was the only child of Maia by Zeus.

What was the greek god Hermes relationship with the other gods?

He is the son of Zeus and Maia. Zeus had a lot of children; with himself, with Hera and with a lot of different mortal women. Any child of Zeus' or Maia's is a sibling of Hermes.

Did the goddess maia have any children?

Yes, Hermes, as well she raised Arkas son of Zeus and Callisto.

Who is the son of maia and Zeus?

Hermes is the son of Maia and Zeus in Greek mythology. He is known as the messenger of the gods, as well as the god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, and guide to the Underworld.

What are the names of Zeus' children?

Children of ZeusApollo [Zeus and Leto]Ares and Hephaestus [Zeus and Hera]Artemis [ Zeus and Leto]Athena[Zeus and Metis]Dionysus [Zeus and Semele]Hebe , Discord, and Eileithyia [Zeus and Hera]Persephone [Zeus and Demeter]Helen [Zeus and Leda]Hercules [Zeus and Alcmene]Hermes [Zeus and Maia]Aphrodite [Zeus and Dione]The Muses [ Zeus and Mnemosyne]The Graces [Zeus and Eurynome]Pandia [Zeus and Selene]The Horae, The Moirae [ Zeus and Themis]Perseus [Zeus and Danae]

Who are Hermes' parents?

Zeus and Maia

Who are Hermes's parents?

Zeus and Maia.

Who were Hermes parents?

Zeus & Maia

Who is Zeus son who is god of thieves?

Hermes, son of Maia and Zeus.

What are the names of heremes siblings?

Any son or daughter of Zeus is a half-sibling of Hermes, however his mother Maia had no other children. Divine siblings include; Zagreos/Dionysos, Persephone, Athene, Apollo, Artemis, Ares.

Who was hemes mother?

He was the son of Zeus and Maia.

Who were the parents and grandparents of Hermes?

Hermes was the son of Maia and Zeus. His mother Maia was daughter of Atlas and Pleione or Aithra, his father Zeus was son of Rhea and Kronos.