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As it was the era of the Great Depression, the man's role became even more defined as provider while the woman took care of the home. The scarcity of work meant that women who did have employment outside the home were sometimes seen as "stealing" jobs from those who needed them most - the men.

Women's dress became more feminine after the tomboy Flapper styles of the 1920s; Bras and corsets became important for a healthy figure, and a proper lady was always to be dressed appropriately.

As you can see in the link provided below, there were certain expectations of the wife that we find ridiculous today. It was acceptable for a man to be upset if his wife wore red nail polish, didn't keep up with the sewing, had crooked seams in her stockings, or didn't go to bed at the same time her husband did. Men were the rulers of the country, and women were there to cook, clean, and raise the next generation.

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Q: What were the gender roles in the 1930s?
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