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There were 20. Look up Persia provinces.

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Q: What were the Persians provinces?
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What was Persians' government?

The king and his council, with 20 provinces headed by a provincial governor (satrap).

How were the Persians organized?

Their empire was organised into 20 provinces each administered by a Persian governor responsible to the king and his council. Local government in the provinces was in the hands of the traditional city, tribal and petty princes.

What was one way Persians controlled their empire?

It was divided into 20 provinces each controlled by a Persian governor. They were overseen by the king and his council.

How did the Persians strengthen their empire?

the persians strenthen their empire by being under attack alot they became so strong they cauld almost beat the athalots

What is the term for one of 20 provinces into which Darius I divided the Persian Empire?

The term used by the Persians was Satrapy, the governor was a Satrap. These are Anglicised words from the Persian language original.

How did the Persians role a vast empire?

They divided it into 20 provinces each with a Persian governor responssible to the king and his council. The left local government in place, reasponsive to the provincial governor.

How did king Darius rule the Persians empire?

Through a central council and provincial governors, with local governance left to local rulers.He established 20 provinces with Persian governors. The cities and tribes within the provinces continued to govern their own people under their appointed governor. The governors were responsible to the king and his council.

How did the Persians treat their conquered cities as compared to the Assyrians and Chaldeans?

The Persians established 20 provincial Persian governors to maintain security and prosperity within each province. The Assyrians exchanged aristocracies between provinces so that hostile new rulers would keep a tight and unsympathetic grip on their alien subjects.

Why were Persians so effective in ruling their empire?

They divided the empire into 20 provinces with a Persian governor and the cities and tribes retained their traditional government. The governors provided internal and external security and supervised the local government.

How where the Persians able to control such a large area?

They established 20 provinces each with a Persian governor responsible to the king. They also left the local governments in control of their cities/tribes/principalities under supervision of the governors.

What did Romans like the Persians do once they conquered an area?

They established a provincial governor - a proconsul - to control the area; the Persians divided their empire into 20 provinces (satrapies) controlled by a Persian governor (satrap). The Romans similarly appointed a governor (procunsul) of each of their new territories to similarly rule, collect taxes, and handle internal and external security.

How did the Persians legitimize their kingship over immensely diverse realm How was the Persian Empire administered What infrastructure did the Persians develop to aid in administration?

They imposed it by conquest, but left the local political systems intact. They divided the empire into 20 provinces under Persian governors. They built a system of roads to facilitate movement of couriers and armies.