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Government officials were chosen by the pharaoh, assisting him directly and advising him in matters about society. There were three important positions in the group: vizier, the chief treasurer, and the general of the armies. Their responsibilities were:

Vizer - Chief judge on court cases

Chief Treasurer - Collected taxes and controlled the country's economy.

General of the Armies - Head of the military, national security, and forming relationships with other countries

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12y ago

The role of Egyptian government officials was to raid all of their kin in the village.

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collect taxes, do what the pharroh cant do

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What are Egyptian government officials?

Egyptian government officials are the pharaoh's right-hand man. They were basically the governors back in Egyptian times. The government officials were upper-class; they were right below the pharaoh in the social pyramid.

How do government officials get their jobs?

They apply for them. Just like other people do for jobs outside of government.

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They were all Egyptian.

How did government officials in Egypt get their jobs?

They were chosen by the pharaoh

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because they both made laws and yeah ;)

What were the government officials jobs?

collect taxes, do what the pharroh cant do

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