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There were a number of issues between the countries prior to Iraq's military invasion of Iranian territory on September 22, 1980, such as:

  • The presence of petroleum-rich regions along the Iran-Iraq border and access to the Persian Gulf was contested.
  • Religion: Saddam Hussein was a Secular Sunni and Ruhollah Khomeini was a Fundamental (Usuli) Shiite
  • Government: Ba'athist State vs. Islamic Republic
  • Nationalism / Power
  • The two countries had a long history of border disputes, going right back to when the countries were the kingdoms of Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and Persia (Iran).
  • Iraq wanted the new and unstable Iranian government to fall.
  • Saddam Hussein sought domination of the Middle East.
  • Radical Islam threatened to spread into Iraq from Iran.
  • Iraq was aiming to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state
  • Saddam Hussein wanted to annex the Ahwaz Arabs (who were under Persian Occupation in Iran and conveniently have around half of Persian petroleum reserves under their feet).
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