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--That they suppress all anti-Austrian activities in Serbia and finding all those involved with the movement

--Austro-Hungarian's officials should aid to suppress these activities and the punishment of all culprits associated in the Archdukes death

--They wanted a reply within 24 hours or they would be at war.

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Q: What were some of the conditions of the austrias ultimatum to Serbia?
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How did Austria's government react to the assassination of archduke francis Ferdinand?

Austria's government took this very seriously, they invaded France without permission. EDIT: Actually, they issued an ulitmatum to Serbia that if they didn't meet a list of demands, there would be war. France was not represented in this conflict. They were understanably angry and issued an ultimatum for Serbia in retaliation for the Slavic nation's inablitity to keep their citizens from killing political leaders of other countries.

What event triggered the ultimatum by Austria-Hungary to Serbia?

A Bosnian man assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and some Serbians were implicated/involved in the murder plot. Bosnia was a part of Austria-Hungary and wanted to break away to either form their own nation or join Serbia to make a bigger nation.

Why did Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia in 1941?

On 28th June 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist (Gavrilo Princip). Convinced that the Serbian government had conspired against them, Austria-Hungary issued Serbia an unacceptable ultimatum. Serbia actually tried to comply, but falling short of the mark set by the Austro-Hungarians, this was seen as legitimate causus belli. This resulted in Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia on 28th July 1914.

Was Serbia and Romania parts of Austrian empire?

Only some provinces of Serbia and Romania.

Does farming take place in Serbia?

Yes, there are lots of all sorts of farming in Serbia. Mostly in Vojvodina and some in Šumadija and Southern Serbia.

Can you use euros in serbia?

No. Serbia has its own currency. Some businesses in Serbia might accept them, due to the amount of visitors coming from other countries, but it is not a currency of Serbia. That is the Sebian Dinar.

Are some of 1d from Serbia?


Is an ultimatum love If someone says they love you would or should they give you an ultimatum?

There are some situations in which an ultimatum would seem to be reasonable, for example, if you really want to marry someone who is resisting that proposal, you might at some point say either we should become engaged to marry, or we should just end the relationship. Even people who are in love must sometimes draw certain lines, or make demands which will have consequences if not met.

Where can one listen to Serbia news online?

Online someone can listen to Serbia new at many websites. Some websites Serbia news can be listened to at are the eurovision website, and the livelisten website.

What were some of the causes of world war 1 and world war 2?

Number 1 started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. When Austria gave an ultimatum to Serbia, and the others got involved. Number 2 started when Germany invaded Poland, we declared war and soon other people joined our side like the US and France.

Is Serbia poor or rich?

the economy of Serbia is now getting better since they had a war, although it will take some time to get it back to when it was still Yugoslavia