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At first his action to the civil war was only about keeping the nation together; later he decided he had to stop slavery, the cause of the war, to end the war, he himself never liked slavery and race meant nothing to judging a person.

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Q: What were lincolns views of slavery and race?
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What statement represents Lincolns and Douglass views on slavery?

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What Lincolns reconstruction plan?

Lincolns plan was to abolish slavery!

What was Abraham lincolns decisive?

To end slavery

What was Lincoln's reconstruction?

Lincolns plan was to abolish slavery!

What was Abraham Lincolns policy towards slavery?

Since he was a young he thought of slavery as wrong doing.

How are Douglass's views about slavery similar to or different from justice Taney's views about slavery?

Frederick Douglass believed that slavery was inherently unjust and dehumanizing, advocating for its abolition and equality for all individuals regardless of race. In contrast, Chief Justice Roger Taney's views in the Dred Scott decision of 1857 upheld the legality of slavery and denied African Americans citizenship rights, deeming them inferior to whites and perpetuating the institution of slavery. Taney's views reinforced systemic racism, while Douglass's sought to dismantle it.

What was the name of Lincolns speech about ending slavery?

Gettysburg Address

What was the conflict in Abraham lincolns life?

Slavery and the secession of the Southern States

Why did Lincolns parents think slavery was wrong?

lincolns parents thought it was wrong because they saw it in there eyes that every man on eath was equal:)

How did Abraham Lincoln's background influence his views on slavery?

Abraham Lincoln was raised by his father who was a strict Baptist and did not believe in slavery. His views and the encounters Lincoln had with slaves themselves influenced his views on slavery.

What was Lincoln's reconstruction plan?

he went to Columbia