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The yellow badge (or yellow patch), also referred to as a Jewish badge, was a cloth patch that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments in order to mark them as Jews in public. It was intended to be a badge of shame.

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Q: What were Jewish people forced to wear in Germany?
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What are the Jewish people forced of sighet forced to wear?

Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David that said "Jude" meaning "Jew."

What did the Jewish people have to wear in nazi Germany?

A yellow Star of David.

What was the symbol that all Jews were forced to wear and what were the other two groups forced to wear?

Jewish star.

How did the Germans now if a person was Jewish or if they were Dutch?

The Jewish people were forced to wear patches to identify them. They were also tattooed and marked with branding irons then segregated.

Why did the Nazi's forced some prisoners to wear a second badge?

To identify them as Jewish

What Jews in Germany were forced to wear to identigy them as Jews?

The Star of David.

What did Jewish people have to wear on their clothing?

A Jewish batch.

What was one way Hitler ensures discrimination against Jewish people?

Novanet: He forced Jews to wear yellow star badges.

What the Jewish people wear?


How were Jewish people identified in Germany?

If you mean how were Jews identified, they were made to wear a white armband which had a yellow star on it so that everyone knew they were jewish. :)

What were Jews forced to wear during ww2?

There was the Yellow Star decree which forced Jews in Germany to wear a yellow star, in other regions they had to wear a blue star on a white background. Most Jews in the camps had to wear a prisoner uniform.

Why do the the Jewish wear the star of David?

Some Jewish people wear the star of david because it is a symbol of the nation of Israel. Others because it's the symbol of the Jewish people all over the world. During World War II, European Jews were forced to wear the Star of David on their clothes to identify themselves as Jews.