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Webster-Ashburton Treaty

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Q: What was the treaty that gave the us complete control of the Oregon country?
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What country gained complete control over Canada under the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763?

Great Britain

What country did the US signed a treaty with to gain the Oregon Country?

Great Britain

What country did the US sign a treaty to gain the Oregon country?

Great Britain

What were the circumstances of acquisition of Oregon country?

jointly occupied with Britain Oregon treaty- 49th parallel

Under the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 which country gained complete control over Canada?

yesYes does not tell me what the answer is please tell me the country do not mess with me!

What was the territory occupied jointly by Britain and the US under the Treaty of 1818?

Oregon Countrythe Oregon Countrythe Oregon Country

What was the Treaty of Oregon?

It was an agreement between Great Britain and the US that detailed the boundary between Oregon Country and Canada.

The US signed a treaty with which European country to gain the Oregon Country?

great britain...

What is an example of an exclusive power?

An example is the United States signing an arms control treaty with Another Country.

What US signed a treaty with which European country to gain Oregon Country?

The U.S. signed a treaty with England to acquire this land ... (OBAMA (09) Q to P muahaha) What was the name of the treaty?

How did John Quincy Adam help Americans gain control of the Oregon Country?

He worked out a joint occupation treaty with Britain.

What did the 1846 Treaty of Washington do?

Reference to a 1946 Washington Treaty cannot be found. Perhaps you are referring to the Oregon Treaty, which was signed in Washington, D.C. on June 15, 1846. The Treaty of Oregan ended the boundary dispute concerning the Oregon Country, which had been occupied by Britain and US since the Treaty of 1818.