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The sea battle was Salamis, it was not the Athenians, it was a combined Greek fleet which included the Athenian navy.

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Q: What was the sea battle in which the Athenians defeated the Persians in 480 BC?
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How did the Greeks keep out the Persians in 480 BC?

They defeated them in a sea battle at Salamis.

When did the Persians defeated the Greeks on land at the battle of thermopylae?

Late August 480 BC

Who did the athenians fight against?

I am studying this right now in history the athenians fought against the Persians in 480 b.c.

Where did the battle that helped turn back the Persians invasion of Greece happen?

In the strait between the island of Salamis and Attica, known as the Battle of Salamis, where the Persian fleet was defeated in 480 BCE. The following year in 479 BCE there was a land battle at Plataia where the army of the Persians and their Greek allies was defeated.

What battle Did Themistocles defeat the Persians in?

Themistocles did not defeat the Persians. He commanded the Athenian contingent which was part of the Greek fleet under command of Spartan admiral Eurobiades which defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis in 480 BCE.

What was the battle called when the Greeks defeated the Persians?

The Battle of Marathon .

What happened when Xerxes and the Persians sailed to attack the city-states?

They were defeated at three battles - sea battle of Salamis 480 BCE, land battle of Plataea and simultaneous sea-land battle of Mycale 479 BCE.

What was the location of the battle the Greeks defeated the Persians?

Salamis 480 BCE Plataia 479 BCE Mykale 479 BCE Eurymedon 466 BCE Cyprus 450 BCE.

What happened at each battle in the Persian war?

There were many battles. The major ones were: Lade - sea battle 494 BCE - the Persians won Artemesion - sea battle 480 BCE - the Greek confederation lost. Salamis - sea battle 480 BCE - the Persians lost. Plataia - land battle 479 BCE - the Persians lost Mycale - sea-land battle 479 BCE- the Persians lost. Eurymedon - sea battle 466 BCE - the Persians lost. Cyprus - sea-land battle 451 BCE - the Persians lost.

At which battle did the Athenians defeat the Persians at sea?

At the battle of Salamis in 480 BCE a fleet of southern Greek city states severely defeated the Persian fleet causing it to retire back to Mycale, where it was eliminated the following year. The Athenian navy formed a significant part of the Greek fleet led by Sparta.

What was the battle where Greeks defeated the Persians?

There were several: Salamis 480 BCE Plataia 479 BCE Mykale 479 BCE Eurymedon 466 BCE Crete 450 BCE Take your pick.

Did King Leonidas' actions at the Battle of Thermopylae directly contribute to the success of the Greek conflict with the Persians?

No - the Thermopylae battle was a failure, as the sea battle which it was designed to precipitate went against the Greeks. The Persians were defeated at later battles - Salamis 480 BCE, Plataia and Mykale 479 BCE.See also the qquestion: