the Dutch made one of the greatest contribution to the caribbean region by providing the much needed capital to the planters, this was in exchange for the rights to the export and sale of the sugar
French Revolution
Continental Congress
NC fought for independence from England
Sugar played a large role in the American's desire to control Hawaii, because Hawaii was a major supplier of sugar cane.
They didnt like it but later did
Afrikaners are Dutch inhabitants of South Africa. They are descended from Dutch settlers who arrived in the 17th century and have played a significant role in the country's history and culture.
Great Britain
Marilyn Monroe in Some Like It Hot
because AK-47 played an important role in their revolution.
Peasants actually played very little in the way of a role with either revolution. The February Revolution was largely a matter of what people living in urban centers did, and the October Revolution was a coup d'etat by the Bolsheviks.
There was no role of women in French Revolution.
The major religion for the Dutch in colonial times was Dutch Reformed Protestantism. The Dutch Reformed Church (Nederlands Hervormde Kerk) was the dominant religious institution in the Netherlands and was brought to the colonies by the Dutch settlers. It played a significant role in shaping the social and cultural life of the Dutch colonial society.