

Best Answer

Ottoman Apologist Answer

In Ottoman Empire, women were cared for so much. Maybe you heard like women didn't go out because it was banned for women. No it wasn't like that completely. In 1800s and 1900s until 1930s women in big cities wore veil etc. I said "BIG CITIES" not in other small cities or villages.

Also men wasn't treating women badly and women weren't doing anything except sitting at home. No, women had special places called "Şırahane"-as far as I remember where they sat and spent their time with each other.

Ottoman Critical Answer

As the above answer demonstrates, a woman's place in the Ottoman Empire was to manage the household and to socialize in women's only places like Şırahane. Women in the Ottoman Era did not have the right to work in a profession, the right to freely marry and divorce (or remain single indefinitely), and did not have the right of movement. The fact that it was less repressive than other Islamic Societies is little comfort to Ottoman Women. Especially in the late 1800s and early 1900s, women in Western Europe and Anglo-America had more rights.

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