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The racial makeup has shifted greatly since Roman times as each European state had it's native population or "Tribes." Many had quite advanced civilizations in their respected regions. Migration and then later competing for regional domenance fueled the ebs and flows of these tribes to interact with eachother. You can say that Europeans are Caucasian, pointing to the origins of the tribes at the Eurasian mountains as they migrated to the west. The term Caucasian (or Caucasoid) race has been used to denote the general physical type of some or all of the indigenous populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Asia, Central Asia and South Asia.[1] Historically, the term has been used to describe the entire population of these regions, without regard necessarily to skin tone. In common use, the term is sometimes restricted to Europeans and other lighter-skinned populations within these areas, and may be considered equivalent to the varying definitions of white people.

Europeans can be broken into subgroups such as Slavs, Nordics, Dinaric, Alpine, and Mediterranian types. These can then be broken down even farther into specific groups, for example; Nordic types are German, Scandinavian, Scottish and Mediterranian types can be Greek, Italians, Spaniards. Slavs types would be the Russians, Slovens, Poles. You can say that by 1492 most European states that were under the Roman Empire had both Nordic and Mediterranian types as their majorities. After colonization of the Americas and the African Continent south of the Sahara up to the present day, many non-white or mixed people; partially European, have migrated to European capitals becoming themselves and their descendants "Europeans" today.

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