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The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine or United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 was a plan approved by the United Nations on November 29, 1947 to terminate the British Mandate of Palestine by August 1, 1948 and recommend the creation of two states, one Jewish and one Arab, in Palestine. The plan was approved by the United Nations General Assembly by 33 votes to 13, with 10 abstentions.

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11y ago

The partition was of the British Mandate of Palestine. It was partitioned into two states, a Jewish State and an Arab State. The Jewish State chose the name Israel. The eventual Arab State decided to call itself Palestine as well, which leads to confusion, but the State of Palestine is much smaller than the Mandate of Palestine with Israel making up the difference.

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It refers to the idea that the British Mandate for Palestine should be divided into two separate independent states: a Jewish State and an Arab State.

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Q: What was the partition in Israel?
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How did Israel get to partition paestine?

In 1947 Palestine was partitioned by a majority decision mandate of the United Nations, not by Israel.

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How were Palestinians affected by Israelis?

They weren't allowed to return when they fled Israel following partition.

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What state was born in 1948 following the partition of palestine by the untied nations?

ISRAEL is a modern state that was created in 1948 by Jews in Palestine.

How many member countries of the UN voted in favor of the establishment of Israel?

The partition plan to create the state of Israel was approved by a vote of 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions.

How much land have the Palestinians lost to the Israel's?

Most of what they gained in 1948, when the UN drew up the map but the "Palestinians" rejected the whole notion of partition and attacked Israel.

Which countries in the UN voted against Israel to become a state?

Answer 1The UN didn't create Israel, and there was no UN vote regarding Israel statehood.Answer 2It needs to be clarified that the vote occurred in 1947 and was not about voting for or against Israel. The United Nations Vote was about the validity and binding nature of UN Resolution 181, which was the United Nations Partition Plan. The Partition Plan gave legitimacy to both the establishment of a Jewish State and an Arab State. The Jews eventually used this legitimacy to declare the Independence of the State of Israel, but there has never been a referendum on Israel's legality.The list of countries that opposed the Partition Plan, usually because they opposed the legitimacy of a Jewish State were:AfghanistanCubaEgyptGreeceIndiaIranIraqLebanonPakistanSaudi ArabiaSyriaTurkeyYemen

What did Israeli keep in the First Arab-Israeli war?

About 70% of the area designated for Jewish administration under the 1947 UN partition plan. After the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9, Israel controlled over 98% of the territory it was accorded by the UN Partition Plan and exercised control of 78% of the territory of the former Mandate of Palestine (as opposed to the 56% percent that Israel was accorded in the UN Partition Plan).

Was Israel leased out by Palestine?

No. No country is leased by or to another country. Additionally, Palestine had no ability to lease out territory given that it was not a country at the time of Israel's independence. Israel received independence as a result of the UN Partition Plan of Mandatory Palestine.

What does it mean to parition something?

To partition something means to divide it into several parts that are held separate from each other. This is true whether the partition is of land, as in Palestine/Israel, or of a hard drive, such at the main drive of a computer.

What is the pre Israel name of name the country?

starting about 4000 years ago, here is a list of names for Israel: Canaan The land of Israel The Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea The (United) Kingdom of Israel Palestine In 1948, part of it became Israel, and the other part was supposed to become Palestine, but the Arab nations refused the partition.