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The Confederates felt entitled to defend their borders. Congress did not recognise the Confederacy or its borders.

War was on its way.

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Q: What was the outcome of the formation of the confederate states of America?
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The formation of the confederate states of America was sparked by?

the election of president Abraham Lincoln

What outcome was Jefferson Davis trying to achieve?

World recognition of a new country, the Confederate States of America

What formation of the confederate states of America was sparked by?

The election of Lincoln as a Republican president, moderate on the slavery issue.

What was the official name of the Southern nation when they seceded from the union?

The Confederacy or The Confederate States of America

What did the seceding states call the government they formed?

When the southern US States seceded from the United States of America in 1860, the government they formed was called the Confederate States of America

What was the CSA?

The CSA is the abbreviation for the Confederate States of America.

When did Confederate States of America end?

Confederate States of America ended in 1865.

In 1861 delegates from the seceding states met to form a new nation called?

In 1860 and 1861, eleven states formed a separate nation called the Confederate States of America. This is a forerunner to the Civil War in which the Confederate States of America fought against the Union of States.

What is Confederate States of America's motto?

The motto of Confederate States of America is 'Under God, our Vindicator'.

Abbreviation for confederate states of America?

CSA is the abbreviation for the Confederate States of America. It also is applied to the Confederate States Army.

New country formed by the southern states after the election of 1860?

The Confederate States of America was the name.

Was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the Civil?

Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America.