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Q: What was the name of the war between Zeus and Cronus?
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What is the name of the battle of Zeus and cronus?

The war against Hades

Why was Cronus an enemy of Prometheus?

Since Prometheus sided with Zeus in the war between the Titans and the Olympians, he had to fight against Cronus. That is what made them enemies.

How long did Zeus and his siblings battle Cronus for?

The war between the Titans and Zeus and his brothers and sisters,called the "Titanomachy" started, it lasted 10 years

Did the Greek titan Cronus eat his babies and how?

According to the myth Cronus did eat 5 of his children (all except Zeus ) and he swallowed them. (Edit, continuing) Then, Zeus lent Cronus a potion and made him drink it. Cronus threw up and the 5 of them came out. Then, a great war started between the Olympians and the Titans.

When did Zeus become king of all gods and goddesses?

after the war between the Titian's and the gods ended. he was the only one of the children of Cronus and Rhea that wasnt swallowed by cronus. after he saved the rest of his brothers and sisters, there was a war between gods and titians, after the gods won the made Zeus the "head" of all gods.

What is the history of Zeus?

Zeus was the son of the goddess Rhea and the god Cronus. Cronus had swallowed all of his children except Zeus and when Zeus grew up, he tricked his father into vomit up his siblings then beat Cronus in war. Zeus became the chief ruler of the other gods on Mt. Olympus.

Did Zeus create lighting bolts?

No, during the war when Zeus was overthrowing his father, Cronus, The cyclopes forged it.

Is cronus dead?

Yes, in Greek mythology, Cronus was overthrown by his son Zeus and imprisoned in the Underworld after a war between the Titans and the Olympians. Therefore, Cronus is considered dead or at least defeated in the mythological context.

How was the world divided after the war between Zeus and Cronus?

After a ten year battle with his father Cronus, Zeus banished him to Tartarus with the other older Titans. Then he divided up the world three ways; himself over Heaven and Earth, Poseidon over the seas and Hades over the Underworld.

Why was Cronus Poseidon's enemy?

Because Cronus is a Titan, which are enemies with the Greek Gods (which includes Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, etc...), Cronus was naturally an enemy with Poseidon due to their sort of never-ending war.

How did Zeus take over Cronu's regin as ruler of the gods?

Him and his brothers and sisters beat him in a war and then Zeus banished cronus to a far away island

Was Zeus a king of the gods?

Originally it was Uranus, but then Cronus took over his father and became the king, then, finally, Zeus over through Cronus with his brothers and sisters. After the war was over, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades split up the world into three parts, Poseidon got the sea, Hades got the underworld (Now Called Hades) and Zeus got the Heavens and, because he was the leader in the war, Zeus became king of the gods.