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The Confederacy was officially proclaimed in Montgomery Alabama in February of 1861. Several garrisoned forts in the newly created Confederacy were abandoned in February and March of that year primarily due to inablitiy of the Federal government to reinforce or supply them. With the innaugauration of Lincoln on March 4 1861 public pressure in the North demanded that some of these garrisons be held to make a show of force to the Seccesionists. These included Fort Sumter at the mouth of Charleston (SC) harbor, Fort Monroe at the mouth of Hampton Roads, and Fort Pickens at the mouth of Pensacola (FL) harbor. Efforts to supply Fort Sumter in April of 1861 were turned away and the fort was bombarded into surrender. This was the action that caused the Civil War. Fort Pickens and Fort Monroe stayed in Union hands throughout the war and another establishment, Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas, was never attacked due to inaccessablity. Fort Sumter was returned to Federal control in February of 1865 after the Evacuation of Charleston.

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Ft. Sumter in Charleston S.C.

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Q: What was the name of the southern military fort that remained under federal control after the formation of the confederate states of America?
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Where was the southern military fort that remained under federal control after the formation of the confederate state of America?


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