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Water, all middle eastern countries, excpet Lebanon, are water deficit countries.

Besides,platinum is currently the most expensive and rare resource throughout the world not just the Middle East where its production is not much.

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Q: What was the most valuable natural resource in the Middle East?
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What is the Most valuable resource in the middle east?

It depends on how you read the question.If the question is asking what are the most important resources for Middle East exports, the answers are petroleum and natural gas.If the question is asking what resource is most valuable to Middle Easterners, it is water.

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Why is natural gas a major resource in the Middle east?

Natural gas commonly occurs near petroleum and the Middle East has large petroleum deposits.

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What are the natural resources that the Middle East offers?

The primary resource that the Middle East offers is PETROLEUM, but the Middle East has other natural resources, like certain crops (olives and citrus), natural gas, and some metals.

What are the two most important resource in the middle east?

Oil and natural gas.

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What is the richest resource of the Middle East?

It depends on what you mean by "important".In terms of export value, the following are the most important resources of the Middle East:Oil/PetroleumGoldDiamondsEmeraldsNatural GasIn terms of sustaining the lives of Middle Easterners:Water/RainFirm soil