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Q: What was the most significant factor in the development of early societies in west Africa?
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ahm....for me culture became one of the factor of intellectual development because it is illustrated in the variations in sex roles found in the different societies and historical period.

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The most significant factor in the development of agriculture by Neolithic people was the shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities. This transition allowed for the domestication of plants and animals, leading to the development of agriculture as a way of life.

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It was the development of the microscope that was significant in contributing to the development of the cell theory. All things that are alive are made up of cells.

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They were on an east-west axis that lined up with the Fertile Crescent.

According to Jared Diamond which of these is a factor in why European societies developed technologies such as steel before those in Africa or India?

they were on an east-west axis that lined up with the fertile crescent

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There are many economic influences that impact the development and reform in South Africa. One important factor is what businesses may benefit from continued discrimination, mostly by paying certain workers less.

What factor has the most influence on the development of soil?

The most influential factor on soil development is parent material, which is the mineral material from which soil originates. The composition of the parent material determines the mineral content, texture, and structure of the soil. Other factors such as climate, organisms, topography, and time also play a significant role in soil development.

Is development of humans was directly dependent on the development of language?

The development of language played a significant role in the evolution and cognitive advancement of humans. Language allowed for complex communication, the sharing of knowledge, and the formation of communities. Although not the sole factor, the development of language has been closely linked to the progress of human development.

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Yes, along with tradition in certain societies. Gambling is the motivating factor in this activity.