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Q: What was the mercalli scale of the 2010 Chile earthquake?
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What was the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale value for the last earthquake in New Zealand?

The maximum measured intensity of the 2010 Canterbury earthquake in New Zealand was IX (9) on the Modified Mercalli scale.

What was the Modified Mercalli scale level for the Chilean earthquake 2010?

The Modified Mercalli Intensity scale level for the Chilean earthquake in 2010 was around VIII, which corresponds to severe shaking. This level indicates that damage to poorly constructed buildings was significant, and would likely be felt by most people in the affected area.

What was Chile earthquake magnitude in 2010?

The 2010 Chile earthquake had a magnitude of 8.8. It was one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded and caused widespread damage and casualties in Chile.

What is the magnitude of the earthquake that hit Chile during 2010?

8.8 on the Richter scale

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What was the date of Chile earthquake?

The date of the Chile Earthquake was on the 27th February 2010

How much stronger was the Chile earthquake than the one in Haiti?

The earthquake in Chile in 2010 had a magnitude of 8.8, while the one in Haiti in 2010 had a magnitude of 7.0. This means that the Chile earthquake was significantly stronger, with its impact reflecting the difference in magnitude.

What city in Chile was the 2010 earthquake in?

Chilean, Chile.

What was the intensity of the Chilean earthquake that occurred on the 27th of February 2010?

According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake had a rating of severe (VIII) on the Modified Mercalli (MM) scale. Please see the related question for more information.

What was the biggest earthquake in 2010?

The biggest earthquake in 2010 was the magnitude 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile on February 27, 2010. This earthquake caused widespread damage and resulted in a significant number of casualties.

When was Chile hit by earthquake?

Chile was hit by an earthquake early morning on Feb. 27th 2010

How many people died in the Chile hurricane 2010?

The 2010 Chile earthquake, not hurricane, resulted in approximately 525 fatalities.