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The top four Southern crops were Rice, cotton, indigo, and sugar.

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Q: What was the main cash crops of south California and Georgia?
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Which Colonies would most likely have had cash crops in large plantation?

Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina and Georgia were reliant on cash crops.

What are Georgia's two main crops?

I think it is pecans, tobacco, peaches, and cotton. Sorry if this info is incorrect!

What were the major cash crops in the south?

The main cash crops in the south were rice, tobacco, and indigo.

What were major cash crops of the south?


What are cash crops we're they in the north or south?

Cash crops is another name for tabocco because many people would buy tabacco and so people got rich off of it. Cash crops were found in the south.

What was the main difference between the types of crops grown in the north and those grown in the south?

The crops in the South were cash crops and crops in the North were consumable crops.

Did the north or the south grew mainly cash crops in the civil war?

the South grew those crops

Name the southern colonies?

North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia

What was the most important agricultural product of the south during the colonial period?

During the colonial period the most important agricultural in the south was tobacco.

How did a plantation economy help planters in the south become the south become wealthy?

It was the best way to grow large cash crops.

What was not the major cash crop in the south?

Sugarcane was not a major cash crop in the South. Some of the major cash crops were cotton and tobacco.

What was the main difference between the types of crop grown in the North and those grown in the South in 1860?

The crops in the South were cash crops and crops in the North were consumable crops.