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Q: What was the largest city in the world excluding China by 1600?
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What was the Largest island in the world before 1600?

The largest island in the world before 1600 was Antarctica. It hadn't been discovered yet, but it was already the largest, just sitting there waiting to be found.

Which nation had explored the greatest amount of land in the new world by 1600?

Spain explored and claimed the largest amount of land in the New World by 1600.

What country had the largest fleet in 1600?

The Dutch Merchant fleet was the biggest in the world from 1600 till 1750. After that the English became the leading country.

In 1600 the European country with the largest fleet in the entire world- 10000 ships?

"the Netherlands"

When was China founded?

China was found on 1600 b.c

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1600 feet in china by a new zealand guy but i forgot his name.

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It started all around the early 1600's

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Islam religion is 2nd largest world religion (after Christianity) with total Muslim population ~ 1600 million Muslims

For what age does the shang period in china mark the beginning?

1600 BCE

When was the date that china existed?

China was discovered in 1600 b.c (before Christ). That's a long time ago!