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Q: What was the glory of Athens?
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Which events led to the end of Athens's power and greatest glory?

Athens was conquered by the Roman Empire. ♥

How many Greeks hated Athens?

Not many ancient Athenians "hated" Athens. In fact rarely anybody hated Athens. If you lived in Athens, Greece and you were a boys you were trained in 4 subjects. You lived the life of happiness and glory. If you were Spartan though you likely envied the Athenians for they were forced into the army at the age of 7. WOW! Hope this helps! :)

Who was the strongest military out of Rome Sparta or Athens?

Sparta by far. The Sparta's military forces dominated during their glory days, and no one stood in their path.

What has the author Joseph W Day written?

Joseph W Day has written: 'The glory of Athens' -- subject(s): Ancient Rhetoric, History, Rhetoric, Ancient

What was the peloonnesian war?

The Peloponesian War was a long war between Sparta and Athens, two separate city states in Greece. Athen was strategically building an empire in the northern half of Greece, as well as on many Greek islands. Sparta felt threatened by Athens' increase in power, so they threatened war if Athens didn't release its empire. Athens refused, and the two cities went to war. A plague in Athens eventually forced them to surrender to Sparta. However, after the war, neither city returned to its former glory.

What city nowadays is named after Athena?

Athens , Greece In the United States : Athens, Alabama Athens, Arkansas Athens, California Athens, Georgia Athens, Illinois Athens, Indiana Athens, Kentucky Athens, Louisiana Athens, Maine Athens, Michigan Athens, Mississippi Athens, New York: Athens (town), New York Athens (village), New York Athens, Ohio, a town Athens County, Ohio Athens, Pennsylvania, a borough Athens, Tennessee Athens, Texas Athens, Vermont Athens, West Virginia Athens, Wisconsin

How many towns named Athens in the US?

Athens, Alabama Athens, Georgia Athens, Texas Athens, Ohio Athens, Illinois Athens, Indiana Athens, Maine New Athens, Illinois Athens, County Ohio Athens, New York Athens, Pennsylvania Athens, West Virginia Athens, Wisconsin Athens, Louisiana Athens, Michigan

What song has the lyrics 'Glory glory somebody touched me'?

I think you mean this one. Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, C Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, G C D Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, G D G Must have been the hand of the Lord. While I was praying, somebody touched me, While I was praying, somebody touched me, While I was praying, somebody touched me, Must have been the hand of the Lord. Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, Must have been the hand of the Lord. It was on a Sunday, somebody touched me, It was on a Sunday, somebody touched me, It was on a Sunday, somebody touched me, Must have been the hand of the Lord. Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me, Must have been the hand of the Lord. "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen!"

What are the words to Manchester United Football clubs song glory glory man united?

Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd As The Reds Go Marching On Welcome to old Trafford its the theatre of our dreams Were ready to die were ready to fight - its part of our history the power and the glory -Oh the Stretford end will sing as the reds go marching on on on Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd! Glory, glory, man utd as the reds go marching on on on With Rooney and ronaldo and the magic at their feet. There's no competition - in the English premier league were the champions of the world and were the greatest football team as the reds go marching on on on Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd! Glory, glory, man utd as the reds go marching on on on And now we are the champions and Theres no one left to beat. We've finished off the scousers - And Silenced The Mersey Beat Ryan giggs we we love you - Gary Neville you are the best As The Reds Go Marching On Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd As the reds go marching on on on As The Reds Go Marching On Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd As the reds go marching on on on As The Reds Go Marching On Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd Glory, glory, man utd As the reds go marching on on on

What city is farther north Athens or Sparta?


What is Manchester United chant?

Glory Glory Man United. Glory Glory Man United. Glory Glory Man United. And United go marching on on on

How many Athens are there?

There are 2 Athens in the world. One is the capitl city of Greece and the other one is a small town in Georgia. (Thats in the U.S) THERES ANOTHER ATHENS IN TEXAS SMARTEE !!!! There are many other towns in the US named Athens: Athens, TN Athens, AL Athens, OH Athens, CA Athens, AR Athens, IL Athens, IN Athens, LA Athens, ME Athens, MI Athens, MS Athens, NY Athens, PA Athens, VT Athens, VA Athens, WV Athens, WI Athens, KS The bottom line is there are a lot of cities/towns named Athens. There are 23 in North America alone. All of them are named after the original city of Athens in Greece.