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Q: What was the first country to send people to colonize North America when it sent Columbus out in the 1400s?
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When did the white man come to America?

Columbus landed here in 1492 and is credited with the discovery of America - the new world. Then in 1620 a group of about 50 Pilgrims left England to come to America in order to escape religious persecution. They were the first to colonize and since then people have immigrated to America from almost every other country on the planet. Columbus never set foot on United States soil. He landed in the West Indies.

Did Italy colonize America?

No. Italian people did come to the early American colonies, but Italy didn’t colonize.

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English people were the first people to officially colonize America.

Who were the first to land in south America?

the indigenous people

What Importance did Christopher Columbus have with the Americas?

He successfully began the destruction of a indigenous people, and claimed their land for his country. He 'discovered' America.

Were their any colonizaton among the Irish in America?

No. The Irish were the last people who would ever colonize, as colonization was why they were in America.

Can you help a sentence with the word colonize?

the colonization of America lead to the huge country there is now

Why should the US colonize a country?

So that we can have more land.-----------------------------------------------but what about the people aready living there.

Who accompanied Christopher Columbus to America?

a group of people

When a parent country sends a group of people to a live in a new territory while retaining ties to the parent country?


When a parent country sends a group of people to live in a new territory while retaining ties to the parent country?


Who did Columbus meet when he landed in America?

Christopher Columbus met the Native Indians when he reached America.