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operation rolling thunder

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Q: What was the first US extensive bombing of North Vietnam?
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What was the first extensive bombing of north Vietnam?

Operation Rolling Thunder (1965-1968).

What was the first extensive your bombing of north Vietnam?

LBJ ordered retaliatory bombing of the North Vietnamese Navy's torpedo boat docking facilities in August 1964 following the Tonkin Gulf incidents 02/04 August 1964.

The first widespread bombing of North Vietnam was?

Operation Rolling Thunder (1965-1968)

Who was the president during the buildup of Vietnam war?

LBJ was the first US president to send conventional combat troops to RVN and the first president to begin openly bombing North Vietnam.

Which president ordered a continuous bombing campaign over North Vietnam and sent the first combat troops to South Vietnam?

Lyndon Johnson :) hope I helped!!!! Have a good day!

What country was divided in 1954?

Vietnam was divided in 1954 into North Vietnam and South Vietnam following the First Indochina War.

Do warplanes fight in every war?

Only since WWI (cloth covered wooden airplanes). Naval warplanes first saw extensive combat in WWII. Jets first saw extensive combat during the Korean War. Helicopters first saw extensive combat in the Vietnam War. Vietnam saw extensive use of all of the above: Bi-plane (WWI type two winged airplanes) used by North Vietnam's fledgling air force; WWII B-26 Invader twin engine bombers, as well as USN Bearcat single engine fighters; the A1 Skyraider dive bomber, although designed and built at the end of WWII did NOT see any action during WWII. Jets and helicopters came of age in the Viet War. Especially the helicopter, the first purpose built Attack Helicopter (the Cobra) was fielded in Vietnam.

What was the first action the US took against north Vietnam?

Naval actions and covert operations (which included some of the naval actions) were conducted against North Vietnam prior to 1965. The first "real" official (offensive) action against North Vietnam was in 1965, when the US launched an AIR CAMPAIGN against North Vietnam, titled "Operation Rolling Thunder."

When was Vietnam first founded?

The modern Socialist Republic of Vietnam became independent in 1954. However, the first Vietnamese states started in North Vietnam in 938 C.E. with the independent Ngo Dynasty.

What was Americas first role in Vietnam and when did it occur?

The North Vietnam army was invading South Vietnam and Sv asked the US for help in repeling the Communist invasion.

What year did China help north Vietnam in the Vietnam war?

In 1956 the first group of 80 North Vietnamese Air Force pilot trainees were sent to Communist China.

Who is the leader of north Vietnam now?

North Vietnam has not existed as a separate country since the the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975 and the subsequent merging of North and South Vietnam on July 2, 1976, to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.The Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) (North Vietnam) was led by President Hồ Chí Minh from 1945 to 1969 when he died. He was succeeded by Lê Duẩn who served as First Secretary from 1960 to 1986 when North and South Vietnam merged.