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Russia had to depend on themselves to stop germanys expansion since there ports were unavailable

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Q: What was the effect of the allies being unable to ship war supplies to Russia ports during world war 1?
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What was the effect of the allies are unable to ship war supplies to Russia's ports?

We were getting less weapons. We were not getting them too much anyway.

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Serious shortage of war supplies of every kind on the Confederate side, and repeated efforts to recruit foreign allies to break the blockade.

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Russia fought with the Allies during World War I, but was unable to counter the forces of Germany. The country suffered many casualties and lost multiple territories to Germany. The loss is what allowed the Communist Party to take control of the country. Russia deciding to participate in the War did little more than temporarily slow down Germany.

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The Neutrality Act had the effect of the US providing aid to the allies.

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the passage of the Neutrality Act of 1939

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well to be exact the crimean war had no effect on russia , but it made it so it is now illegal in russia to have an mail order wife and if you break the law u get nuked:)

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The armistice that ended hostilities between Germany and the Allies during World War I went into effect on November 11, 1918 at 11 a. m. The armistice did not end the war, merely active fighting. World War I did not officially end until the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919.

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They were the weapons the Allies and the Germans used during the war. They were the major cause of fatalities. Without them, the war would probably have been much smaller and not have made much sense.

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it was a side-effect of ending the war

What form of government did Germany have during World War I?

Russia had three forms of government during WWI. It started out with a monarchy, then was an anarchy during the beginning of the Russian Revolution. Then Lenin became its Communist dictator.