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Q: What was the effect of the 1917 communist revolution in Russia on Canada?
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The cultural revolution

What form of government did Germany have during World War I?

Russia had three forms of government during WWI. It started out with a monarchy, then was an anarchy during the beginning of the Russian Revolution. Then Lenin became its Communist dictator.

When czar stepped down from power how did it have an effect on the russia revolution?

Revolution was made before.

In Russia What Other Names Were The Bolsheviks Known?

In Russian, the term 'Bolshevik' means 'majority men', who were in favour of a Communist Revolution lead by the Proletariat. There were also the Mensheviks, or 'minority men', who wanted a Socialist Revolution led by the Middle Classes- in effect, replacing one set of bosses with another set of bosses, who would have governed the country on the basis of inequality of education and academic elitism as oppose to inequality of wealth. Those in favour of a Proletarian revolution were in the majority, hence the term 'Bolshevik'.

What month did the first revolution of 1917 occur?

The first revolution in Russia in 1917 occurred in February according to the Julian calendar which was in effect within Russia at that time. In the western world, which used the Gregorian calendar, it occurred in March.

How did china being communist have an effect?

its not communist

What was the effect of the October revolution?

The October revolution of 1917 followed on that year's February Revolution . In February, the revolution had led to the abdication of the Russian Tsar and to a Republic in which 'moderate' republican groups were the dominant parties. In October, the Communists - who had only been a minor force until then - profited from the fact that the new Russian Government had continued to fight the Germans, which led to continued economic chaos and growing unrest among the Russian army and Navy. The promise to get them out of the war got the army and Navy to side with the Communist, who then had no trouble overthrowing the existing Russian Government. The October Revolution then lead to Russia becoming a Communist State for well over the next 70 years.

How did World War 1 effect Russian peasants?

they didn't have enough food and they had a bad economy and they were in their own Russia revolution.

What did The Bolsheviks rename themselves?

Bolshevik was the first name of the political party headed by Vladimir Lenin and formed in 1903. Prior to 1903, the Bolsheviks were members of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Subsequent to the October Revolution in 1917, the renamed themselves the Communist Party.

How did the Cuban Revolution effect women's role?

Women gained more rights after the Cuban Revolution, increased opportunities in the workplace, and the ability to participate in government. The revolution began in 1953.

How was the domino effect of the cold war proving itself?

The domino effect was an idea in America that one by one, all of the countries in Europe would become communist. It never actually had the finish effect, it was only a few countries like China, Korea, and the USSR (Russia)

In Russia by what name were the Bolsheviks known?

In Russian, the term 'Bolshevik' means 'majority men', who were in favour of a Communist Revolution lead by the Proletariat. There were also the Mensheviks, or 'minority men', who wanted a Socialist Revolution led by the Middle Classes- in effect, replacing one set of bosses with another set of bosses, who would have governed the country on the basis of inequality of education and academic elitism as oppose to inequality of wealth. Those in favour of a Proletarian revolution were in the majority, hence the term 'Bolshevik'.