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Austria-Hungary was a multi ethnic state which meant that it was made up of people form many different nationalities. This caused problems when Nationalism took hold because all of the different groups of nationalities wanted their independence, they wanted national statehood. This caused turmoil and instability within the Empire.

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Lessie Jones

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Remember, at the time, it was the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Empire (unlike any of the other major states in Europe) was a patchwork of over a dozen major ethnic groups. Nationalism tends to organize along ethnic boundaries (that is, nations tend to form around a large concentration of one ethnic group). Thus, with a very large number of different ethnic groups, the Empire had to worry about each group wanting to split from the Empire, and form its own nation.

Indeed, after WW1, this is what happened to the Empire - it was split into about a 8 different countries (or, more accurately, portions of 8 countries included lands formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire).

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11y ago

Austria-Hungary was a multi ethnic state which meant that it was made up of people form many different nationalities. This caused problems when Nationalism took hold because all of the different groups of nationalities wanted their independence, they wanted national statehood. This caused turmoil and instability within the Empire.

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10y ago

Nationalism affected the Austrian Empire by causing divison within the country, creating many nation-states.

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Q: Why was nationalism a special threat to the Austrian Empire?
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