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The Egyptian IBU is a place of purification of the body when being mummified.

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Q: What was the Egyptian ibu?
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Related questions

When was Ibu Mertuaku created?

Ibu Mertuaku was created in 1962.

What is mother in Malay?

emak or ibu. ibu is a politer way of saying it.

What is the duration of Ibu Mertuaku?

The duration of Ibu Mertuaku is 2 hours.

What is the International Bitterness Units (IBU) of Heineken beer?

The International Bitterness Units (IBU) of Heineken beer is typically around 23 IBU.

When did Auda ibu Tayi die?

Auda ibu Tayi died in 1924.

Why is hari ibu important?

It is important because Ibu is the place where Egyptians mummify mummies

What does IBU mean and how does it relate to the taste of beer?

IBU stands for International Bitterness Units, which measures the bitterness of beer. The higher the IBU, the more bitter the beer will taste.

What is the IBU rating of Heineken beer?

The IBU rating of Heineken beer is typically around 23.

Where is the ibu tent in Egypt located?

If you really mean the present tense ("where is the ibu located?"), the answer is that ibu tents have not been used in Egypt since Roman times, so it is not located anywhere.If you mean "Where was the ibu tent located?", these structures were erected in different places along the west bank of the Nile river - the west being symbolic of the realm of the dead. There were always more than just one ibu tent.

Where does the ibu in Ibuprofen come from?


What is the Indonesian word for mother?

It is: ibu. This can also be used for saying a teachers name. e.g. Ibu Kelsey (Miss or Mrs or Ms Kelsey)

What actors and actresses appeared in Mr Ibu in London - 2004?

The cast of Mr Ibu in London - 2004 includes: Kareem Adepoju Lanre Falana Milida Johnson Remy Ohajianya John Okafor as Ibu Charles Okocha Ishola Oshun